Origin3 Ltd

Projects » Staplegrove, Urban Extension

Taunton, Somerset

Ptarmigan Land

A large urban extension to the north of Taunton, identified as a broad location for development in the Taunton Deane Core Strategy. Origin3 have prepared a Framework Masterplan involving an extensive consultation period with the local community, and collaborative working with the Local Authority, and other development partners. This landscape-led masterplan will help to deliver up to 1,500 new homes as well as improved open space, a spine road, and a new local centre to include a primary school and employment areas. Origin3 are also working with the council through the examination of their Site Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD, to deliver a significant part of the Council’s strategic housing provision, as well as improving the town’s pedestrian, cycle and vehicle connections to the surrounding countryside. Currently, Origin3 are undertaking a lead role in coordinating a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment, and preparing a planning application for submission.

* Richard Carman. (for image 3)

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